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Do you know what the primary job of Jesus was on earth? To bind up the broken-hearted and to redeem mankind back to Father God? Yes. But, how did He KNOW He was on target? Did Jesus have a PLAN? Let's look at what HE said in Luke 2:49. Read it with me: "How is it that you sought me? Know you not that I must be about my Father's business?" So, when it comes to using His time, talent and resources, Jesus yielded to one desire, one mission -- doing "Father's business." Now, this may be the first time you've ever considered relating to your Heavenly Father as a businessman, but if Jesus did, I think we should too. As the father of two teens who are now in training for a productive, fruitful life, I can relate with the importance of listening to Father for direction. What exactly is FATHER'S BUSINESS PLAN?

First, FATHER'S BUSINESS is training up His children to be WORKERS with Himself throughout all eternity. Now that's a thought... God's plan to bring us to maturity is to patiently labor along side our Heavenly Father. We're His apprentices during our time on earth, to prepare for eternity. The notion of retirement in eternityis without biblical support. Are you doing His business today?

Second, FATHER'S BUSINESS is that we model the good news of redemption to a hurting world - which requires SELF-DENIAL. I don't know about you, but self-denial has never been an easy one for me. The only way I can live by the cross is to die by the cross. Self denial, for me, only works when I take the LONG-TERM perspective of my Father. The law of sowing and reaping requires time. Self-denial always seems foolish to the world's thinking because it's so short-term oriented.

Third, FATHER'S BUSINESS is to extend His influence WIDELY. Like any good businessman, God wants to franchise His perfect will globally -- which is where you and I come in. We are His representatives of the quality of life that the Kingdom of God offers. That means at home, in church, and in the marketplace -- we're each called by God to rise to our maximum level of achievement. It is His plan for us. Thank God that HE equipts us (and teaches us His character) to reach His goals.

Fourth, FATHER'S BUSINESS is not rushed, and neither should we. How many times have we repeated our efforts because we didn't “take time.” For example, it has taken me over 15 years and plenty of God's grace to build my business, Swiss America. I discover His business PLAN daily -- line upon line, precept upon precept. Remember dear Christian; time is your friend, not your enemy. In fact, as Christians serving the Father, time is on OUR side!

In conclusion, if you're a Christian … you ARE in business -- either for yourself or for God. God's business plan requires (with Father God's help) that we: discern our job description, undergo training, then, work hard. As the parable of the sower illustrates, True Wealth is the result of entering God's labor force equipped and empowered to produce long-term fruit. Any volunteers?

© 1997 by FAME
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